Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Three months to go people! The count down has BEGUN (well, it really begun the day we moved IN, but who's counting ;-)

Sorry no random pictures today. I don't really have a topic either...just felt like I should post or talk or something. Let's see...what's going on...let's make another I'm-not-OCD-I-just-like-lists LIST! ;-)

  • The AC is still out! But it's raining so it's ok-ish. It's raining, but still 70 degrees in here! And let me add to the reasons I don't care too much for the crazy cat woman
  • REASON 1,237,874 - When the AC went out, I struggled with whether or not to pay for it ourselves, or have her pay for it. DH told me she brought it up and he told her he'd have to check with me because I don't like letting her pay for things that are my responsibility. Now, if we were STAYING here, living here, I would say 'yes, we will find a way to pay for this ourselves - we keep saying this is our house, we should treat it that way' - thing is, it's NOT our house. She has told us that since we moved in, and now, she's right. We are just renting it from her and if it was anyone else, SHE would have to fix it. So since she OFFERED, I told the MAN to tell her ok! And like she does DAILY - she decided that she didn't want to anymore. She said, "WEEEEEEELLLLL, let's just hook up a SWAMP COOLER to the window" - W.T.F????? Do you think ANYONE would pay to rent this place in the middle of AUGUST with NO AC for $1500???????? Sigh...
  • We had a rough day Monday - should I say - the MAN was having a rough day which meant *I was having a rough day. He had picked up the boat and it's costing us another $1000!!!!!!! And they said the problem was some bolts that were never tightened when the boat was BUILT! The company is now gone and there is no going to them about it, so i just SUCKS and makes him scared to death that something else will go wrong when he tries to sell it.
  • The same day, the Boy comes home and says there is a Science Night thing at his school and he wants to go SOOOOO bad! Well, the MAN is not known for loving crowds, other peoples kids, school functions, his sons teacher, his ex-monster-in-law who volunteers there, or putting on a fun face when he is in a CRAPPY mood - but I talked him into going anyway :-D
  • We had a GREAT TIME! We got to take my girls too and since they rarely have school functions on Mondays when we have all the kids together, it was really special. The kids behaved great, Monster-in-law kept her distance, so did the teacher, they had fun and learned stuff (maybe ;-), won a T-shirt for the Boy and the MAN, and then we went for pizza afterward. Even THAT went smoothly which doesn't happen all the time. We talked and laughed and it was a great time. SO glad we all went.
  • Went to see the loan lady - Lois Loan (not really, but its a Seinfeld reference) because I had some questions about the paperwork they sent in the mail. She kinda feels like a little like a car sales man, I kept thinking "Hey lady, we've already BOUGHT the place, you can stop selling it now!" But instead I said "Yep, we love it, thats WHY we bought it" about 15 times. I felt a little like she was trying to get around my questions, but I did get the answers I was looking for and found that our payment is actually $100 less a month than I thought - DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY STARBUCKS THAT IS?! ;-) Almost enough . . . almost enough :-D So it was a good meeting. She says we've been loan approved and all is well. And the payment went down eventhough we upgraded some of flooring/countertop options, so that was good.
  • I have learned that I need my cell phone more than I might admit to myself. Yesterday I paniced (sp??) when I realized I had lost it either by leaving in on top of my car and driving away or having it stollen outside my kids' school, or it dropped out in the classroom when I dropped off my preschooler. I was at WinCO (a warehouse grocery store for us po' folk) and realized I had lost it. So when I left I had deduced that it was somewhere near the preschool about 30 minutes from where I was. I thought about it as I loaded my frozen juice cans/chicken and fresh veggies in the car, and thought "Yes, yes I do need it THAT bad that I have to now drive an HOUR out of the way to go get it" and I felt good, admiting you have the problem is the first step...not that I plan to DO anything about it, but still...I felt good about that and rewarded myself with a coffee! YAY SELF AWARENESS! ;-)
  • OH - it was in the preschool classroom for those of you on the edge of your seats - :-D Crisis Averted!
  • I love that my honey loves Dancing with the Stars as much as I do. I can't help it, I LOVE that show! And I realized last night when he and I were watching it online cause we missed it Monday, that its fun watchin it and criticing (sp???) it and talking about the music/outfits/dancing/judging together and him acutally being INTERESTED in it and getting excited about it too! It just hit me when he said "WOW, that was a great performance! He really had the intensity that dance needs and the footwork was great. His posture wasn't great but I think it's a 9" - I looked at him and said "You're so pretty" :-D meaning it in the manliest way POSSIBLE! ;-)
  • Now I must leave my slightly comfortable house and put on 'real' clothes to go get my little one from preschool. WOW I will not miss having to drop everything, get all cleaned up, to drive 20 minutes, both ways, to get out, and make nice with other people in society, who I always imagine are judging me. There was more to that, but now I have to GO! SEEEE...

TNT! Happy Commenting!