Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Go Get Goals! or something...

SO, I was tagged with this Get Goals Going or something MEME thing, a while ago, but just haven't really had the inclination to think about it. Now, don't start thinking that I've had some epiphany or anything, just time and boredom ;-) So here goes me Gettin on Good with Goals...

  • Gotta Get Goal #1 - I want, no need, to find my passion/talent. I know, all of you are screaming at your screen "COMEDY GIRL, thats your talent!" and to that I say, "yeah, I know, but it just don't pay" - ;-) j/k, mostly. Really though, I would love to find and cultivate what I am truly good at. Sure, I can make a mean Peach Upsidedown Cake, clean a stank butt, get myself and four kids out the door to school in less than an hour, oh AND make MILLIONS of people laugh every day (potentially - YOU DONT KNOW!). But at some point I will have to enter back into the work force and it would be nice to do something I LIKE, not just something to pay the bills.
  • Go-Go Goal #2 - Take more time for myself. Too many of us mama's end up sacrificing our selves "for the sake of the kids" and that ends up being bad for us and inturn, bad for them. If we are not happy with ourselves, how can we make anyone else happy? I need time to be myself, to remember what makes me me. And that's not just good for me, its good for my marriage too. If I can't remember me, how will my husband? My kids need for the MAN and I to have a happy and strong marriage, after all they have been through they need to know that this family is something they can count on. They need to be able to look to us as what a healthy marriage and relationship should be. Not that any relationship is without its problems, but they need to see how you work things out, how you deal with problems, and how you treat the people you love - and mostly - how the people you love SHOULD treat you. We moms can't allow our lives to stop completely when we have kids, what happens when they leave? If we have raised them correctly they will go off into the world and make a life for themselves - then what do WE do?
  • Gotta Go Goal #3 - Teach myself (hopefully the MAN too ;-) to handle stress a little better. I keep thinking "wow, things have been so stressful lately - I'll *instert activity here* later." But LIFE is stressful, something is always happening, I can't keep thinking I'll deal with things when life has calmed down, cause it probably won't - and then what? Like my goal #4 -
  • Getta Great Goal #4 - Live, and eat, healthier. To successfully lose weight, you can't diet, you have to really change your life. At least if you expect to keep the weight off. Exercise can't be something I look at like a chore or a punishment. I have sooooo much trouble with that one! We actually eat pretty healthy around here. We rarely go for fast food. We get pizza on occasion if we're out or having company which doesn't happen too much lately. I have been cooking more lately too and I try to cook stuff with healthy ingredients, at least healthier ;-) I do have my vices though, Starbucks at 430 calories A POP(!) is one of them. I also have a love affair with brownie batter. I would eat an entire batch of brownie batter if my kids would let me I think. WOW, don't you love the personal accountability there! ;-)
  • Go Girl Goal #5 - Ummmm...hmmmm...how bout four? OK SOUNDS GOOD! So there are my four Getting Great Goals I am working toward. Nothing too progressive or astounding, just important to me. But I guess that would be the whole premise behind Go Goal Getter so there ya go! Now I know everyone has been tagged by this thing already so I just say to those of you who have not thought about it or blogged about it - now you have a topic! GO - BLOG - GO BLOG NOW! :-D

So, until I am struck with a brilliant idea like Goals Getting Gotten - TNT!