Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Oh That Monster...

Okay, so I have a funny story - with picture - from Saturday. We were on our way home from the caverns and we stopped at this little drive up and get out type place in Lockeford. Now first...a little background...

Monster has this thing where when she is done with a certain food she takes whatever is left of it and throws it on the floor or tucks it into her high chair. She knows that I usually don't give her something different until she finishes what she has. I'm not all nazi about it or anything, I just know that she won't eat her green beans if she has yogurt on her tray too. So this is her thing, eat n chuck.

So we were eating at this little drive up place and she is enjoying her chicken nuggets then the MAN gives her a french fry instead. She takes a bite and seems to be alright with it. A few seconds later Boss says "Monster, WHAT are you doing? - NO Monster! Don't put your fry in my pocket!" - She had decided she didn't want her fry anymore so had to hide it to get her chicken nuggets back - so she tried to put it in Boss's back pocket! ;-)

It was pretty funny. So she finished her nuggets and then DH gave her another fry. Well, appearently that was more fry than she wanted cause yet again "MOM! Monster's stuffing her fry in my back pocket again!" Hehe - man she cracks me out - as Sweetness would say ;-)