Wednesday, May 2, 2007

WOW ... 2 Posts in ONE Day?!

Ya know, before today I never really put much stock in curses or voodoo...UNTIL today.

My poor frazzled, nervous wreck of a husband, had to take that BOAT out today for attempt NUMBER 2 at the test drive for our buyer. Mind you, our HOUSE is riding on the sale of this boat. We just picked it up YESTERDAY from the THIRD boat fixer.

The first time was because it wouldn't get up to speed and it was a computer problem that the first boat fixer couldn't fix but still charged us $250. The second boat fixer guy, up in ROCKLIN, fixed said computer problems and $1000 LATER said all was GREAT! We took it out for the first test drive and the boat started knockin around like it was going to explode. On to THIRD boat fixer guy who has to remove the entire engine to get to the problem $1000 LATER. That brings us to today...

My poor husband meets the buyer out there at the dock AGAIN and pays the dock fees AGAIN and he turns the key and 'CLICK' - SMOKE FILLS THE FREAKIN ENGINE! The starter blew up and fryed all the wires. WTF?????

Now this is where the curse comes in. His ex and him had a NASTY break up and she claims to be WICAN or whatever. So my question is...does anyone out there know how to crush a curse or vanquish some voodoo? Anyone with experience on EXORISING DEMONS from marine equipment? I need an old priest and a young priest and jet engine. If I were to throw holy water on it do you think it was sink? Oh wait, it already TRIED that see post "Hoppy Easter" April 2007. Maybe sinking it wouldn't be such a bad idea, if we had insurance on it. Can a blog be used against you in a court of law, say in insurance fraud cases? This is just rediculous now, well I think we passed rediculous $1000 ago.

We had to break into his deposit to pay for the LAST repairs. So far, this guy has been pretty cool. Even though he has seen SMOKE coming from the engine and heard the un-earthly noise come from the hull, he's still interested. Could be that's because he talked us down $7,500 maybe. Maybe he figures that we knocked the price down and now we're taking care of all the repairs and not complaining about it (to him anyway ;-) so he's getting a good deal. Although, I just can't see him thinkin that much more. I mean if I had been buyin this boat and had seen HALF of what he has, I would have walked, no RUN, in the other direction screaming 'dear GOD it's possessed!' but that's just me. I wonder if his wife wonders why he keeps coming home with no boat? I know everytime *I see that damn thing backing into the drive way I wonder 'WHAT THE HELL NOW and wanna set fire to it, again, maybe just ME.

SO! WHO'S IN THE MARKET FOR A BOAT?! I know where you can get one! REAAL CHEAP! WE'RE ABOUT READY TO PAY SOMEONE ELSE TO TAKE IT! It was originally a $50,000 boat (that was before me ya'll, don't THINK *I would have been good with that!) and we are letting it go for a SCREEEEEEAAAAMIN deal - only $25,000! It's only got 7 hours on the engine (mostly cause we can't get it out of the dock) and TONS of new parts (CAUSE THEY KEEP EXPLODING) It's a total chick magnet (if the coast guards happen to be female) and you can fit 10 in it! (Good thing, cause it takes that many to paddle back to shore). Comes with many upgrades including a swim deck (the first part of the boat to be noticibly underwater if you start going down so keep any eye on it!) and a wake tower (when going down, this will give you extra leverage to stay out of the water until the coast guard arrive) and life jackets for each person (speaks for itself) SO . . . ya know anyone who might be interested???

*This blog does not represent a valid sales offer even if you WANTED it to.
**Curse may be transferable.
***Any demons found on boat shall be assumed by the buyer.
****Crazy ex wife not included.