Thursday, October 16, 2008

Goodbye, Sweet Garbage Disposal

My Dearest Garbage Disposal,

Did I not treat you right? Was it the used coffee filters that did you in? Or was it the barage of wee Polly purses and shoes over the last year that just broke your spirit ... I know it does mine.

I must say though, garbage disposal, you abandoned me at a very inopportune time. I have come to rely on you ... dare I say ... DEPEND on you. You have seen me through many a sticky situation. I know you must remember the day I cleaned out all the tupperware in the fridge. What would I have done with all that leftover whoknowsWHATthisisanymore without your help? And what about all the times you got rid of the fish head and bones DH left in the sink? WHERE would I have been with out you THEN?! I shudder to think...

What I'm trying to say is that you have become my constant. I always thought I could depend on you to take care of the stinky nasty messes that I just didn't want to deal with. And then you just gave up on me. After only a year. You gave up on me and our "I make the mess, you clean it up" relationship.

I shall miss you, garbage disposal. After 2 years without a garbage disposal, I really loved and appreciated every minute I had with you. I shall miss you.