Friday, November 9, 2007

Love My Listyness!

I am getting ready to jet off to Texas to see one of my BFFs for a KID-FREAKIN-FREE WEEKEND! OH yeah, that's right baby - NO FREAKIN KIDS!!!!! Can I get a w00t w00t!!! The MAN is the best {read: bravest} man I know! I am so lucky. I was actually planning on taking Monster with me, but he offered ever so sweetly to keep her home so I could go and have some WOMAN-TIME! Oh y'all ... I can not BEGIN to describe the non-mom thoughts that are dancing through my head right now! OK since you all want to know, I'll go with the ever popular list! :-D

  • I got to buy NEW CLOTHES!
  • I got to buy new clothes that I could wear without considering that they need to withstand being puked on, pulled on, peed on, pooped on or go well with a diaper bag!
  • I get to drive, in my OWN car, without listening to child appropriate music! *note to self - put all CDs with warning labels BACK in the car*
  • I get to walk through a parking lot carrying ONLY MY STUFF!!!!
  • I get to partake in the goodness that is the AIRPORT BAR!
  • I get to pay $12 a cosmo for said goodness and then tip righteously because I am so damn happy to be doing it :-D
  • I get to sit and read a magazine without being interupted!
  • I get to fly! *I LOVE flying!
  • I get to hang out with my friend in a land far far away from my screaming crying wonderful children :-D
  • I get to make pottery, get a pedicure, go shopping, go for coffee, go to lunches, and go to dinners - WITHOUT A CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and with a BFF I haven't seen in MONTHS!
  • I get to hang out with her wonderful family and see the great life she is creating for herself and bask in her strength and wonderfulness and truely appreciate what a wonderful person she is :-D
  • And NOOOO I am NOT just saying that because she is reading this! ;-)

Now, all that being said...I am going to miss my husband and my children TERRIBLY! But I somehow think I will make it through ;-) And if not, thats what Cosmo's are for :-D SOOOO, until I am back and ready to fully BORE you with the details of my wonderful vacation as I prepare for my NEXT vacation I will leave you with this...

If you would like to be entertained by my comedic HERE

OK then, thats all for me! I am off to shower, finish packing, clean out the car, clean up the kids, clean up the house, put away the clothes and many many other things that I don't mind doing cause I'm OUT BABY! w00t! Wish me luck!